Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Essay - Image Content

Sarah Eating Corn - painted art work by Michael Smithers

The content here shows a love of painting people, because it is up close and detailed, with a fascination in the detail and the vibrancy of the colours.

Whilst there is a certain amount of accuracy that can be seen in the facial features - the eyes, nose and hands appear out of proportion to the rest of her body. It is almost as if it is his way of drawing attention to what she is doing by accentuating her frown, squinted eyes and flaring nostrils. Its like it is his way of showing how she feels eating the corn, and how much she is enjoying that way of eating the corn by holding it in her hands.

And strangely enough with the amount of detail in the hair strands, corn pieces, and shading on her top, yet there is no back ground at all, which tells me his prime focus is her and what she is doing.


  1. Jacqueline,
    Thank you for doing your first assignment post. You have primarily decoded the form of the image; your observations of color, proportion, pose, and depth of field indicate this. Oftentimes researching the artists' intention assists us with figuring out content. Have a look at the other two post's on chocablog; as this might help with figuring out he difference between "how and what". (form and content)

  2. In thinking about form in regards to your picture, I am reminded of the pop art movement.

    Through the use of vibrant colours, shadowing, accentuated facial features, lack of realism & an overall comic feel, I think Michael is taking an every day action ( eating corn) and turning into a larger than life experience.

    This emphasises that a simple act can actually engender strong emotion (as visibly depicted)in the childs face ( although in real life people may cover up these strong emotions)

    The painting feels quite simplistic ie: block colours, nothing in the background ( only the girl in the foreground) and this gives the piece a child like feel, which again emphasises child like emotion - which is strong & uninhibited.

  3. in colour theory blue and yellow are complementary making the most dynamic combination. also cold colours recede and warm colours advance. this is used to give the painting the greatest impact.

  4. Leah,
    your comment breaks down the form:vibrant colours, shadowing, accentuated facial features, lack of realism & an overall comic feel

    Then you articulate the possible content: I think Michael is taking an every day action ( eating corn) and turning into a larger than life experience.

    Also hypothesizing on a context: pop art movement

    This is well done,
